Yoga Therapy.

At Agile we see yoga therapy as a way to help strengthen the mind and body connection, to help support overall health and wellbeing.

“Yoga therapy is the professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalized assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, and yoga practices for individuals or small groups”. - International Association of Yoga Therapists

Yoga therapy focuses on helping individuals find relief, reduce prevent or manage a health condition or concern, by cultivating the consistent use of yoga principles and practices, empowering individuals towards living with more ease and comfort in their daily lives.

Yoga therapy specifically applies yogic tools—asana (postures), pranayama (breath work), meditation, mantra (sacred sounds), mudras (energetic gestures and seals), mindfulness & more to address an individual’s needs, physically, mentally, emotionally, & even spiritually.

Yoga therapy looks at whole mind-body-spirit care from a place of inquiry and exploration, rather from a “you’re broken, let’s fix you” perspective.

Differences in a yoga class and a yoga therapy session

Yoga therapy is working with an individual or in a small group setting to address specific needs or conditions.

In your yoga therapy session you will focus on:

●      Individual intake (first session), check-in and assessment

●      Practices tailored to client goals to address your personal needs

●     At home plan

What may yoga therapy help with?

  • Managing and reducing stress

  • Increasing self-awareness and regulation

  • Healthy aging, including osteoporosis, balance and fall prevention

  • Mobility issues

  • Chronic and persistent pain, including back and arthritis

  • Mental health, including concerns like anxiety, depression (please note that yoga therapists do not diagnose mental health conditions or problems.

What to expect?

Before your first visit, you will be asked to fill out a formal intake form, addressing your specific goals and needs. Upon your first meeting with your yoga therapist (1.5 hour session), you will go through your intake form reviewing your goals, and sharing anything not included on the form you wish to let your therapist know before you begin.

Sessions are designed and customized based on your specific goals. You will be provided with a therapeutic plan and/or provide advice within the yoga therapy framework in accordance with your needs/ goals.

Please note, the term therapeutic plan refers to the implementation of yoga therapy and does not imply providing any medical treatment.

Who is yoga therapy for?

One size fits all is not a thing, and has never been a thing. Yoga therapy provides personalized programming to support your overall health and wellness. Yoga therapy is for those open and curious to discover ways to help provide greater ease, self-awareness and balance into their daily life, through the ancient art and science of yoga.

“Yoga therapy can complement physical, occupational and massage therapy; psychotherapy and more. Although yoga therapists do not diagnose or treat diseases, IAYT-certified yoga therapists are trained in anatomy, physiology and mental health; this allows them to interact with clients’ other healthcare professional effectively and to competently suggest referrals when needed. “ - International Association of Yoga Therapists

What next?

If you would like to book an appointment click here, or would like further information, please contact us on (250) 381-2239 or email

Meet the Yoga Therapy Team