Naturopathic Medicine.

At Agile we view naturopathic medicine as a cornerstone to optimizing health and healing from a truly personalized approach.  

Each person we see at Agile has a unique history and background. Naturopathic doctors take the time to understand all aspects of your story and base their care on evidence-based practices, which combine traditional and natural approaches with modern technology to create a plan where you are in control. Naturopathic doctors are trained in anatomy, physiology, hematology, endocrinology, pharmacology, and many other aspects of modern science, and integrate nutrition, lifestyle medicine, botanical medicine and manual therapy into their practice.

While our naturopathic doctor on staff is passionate about helping others change their relationship with their pain, she can also help optimize your health from the inside out. Naturopathic doctors are trained as primary care clinicians with a focus on preventative medicine to help you perform better, live without pain, age gracefully or have more energy. They can make diagnoses, perform physical exams, prescribe medications and perform a number of treatments depending on your needs.

This service is only available at our Quadra Street location.

What can naturopathic medicine at Agile help with?

  • Chronic pain/Neuroplastic pain

  • Athletic and performance health including: ultra-endurance, triathletes, and marathoners

  • Mental health including: anxiety, depression, phobias, panic disorder, OCD, BPD

  • Complex chronic illnesses such as ME/CFS and fibromyalgia

  • Long-haul viral symptoms

  • Medically unexplained diagnoses

  • LGBTQ2SIA+ health

  • Whole-food, plant-based nutrition

  • Neurological Health, including: migraines, Parkinson’s, TBI and post-concussive syndrome

  • Irritable bowel syndrome and gut dysbiosis

What to expect?

Before your first appointment, you will be asked to complete a comprehensive health questionnaire. Your first naturopathic appointment will be an entire hour where you will be able to go through your complete health history and may include comprehensive physical exams. From here, your naturopathic doctor will discuss the findings and treatment options with you to personalize your plan according to your specific goals. Follow-up sessions will continue the treatment process and any adjustments will be made to continuously tailor the plan according to your progress and needs.

What forms of treatment can be offered?

  • Lifestyle Medicine: Holistic Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Time Management

  • Diagnostic investigations: Blood work, Laboratory Investigations, X-Ray referrals

  • Mindbody medicine: Counseling, Breath Work, Motivational Interviewing, Therapeutic Journaling, Pain Reprocessing Therapy

  • Injection therapies: Ultrasound-Guided Prolotherapy, Perineural, Steroids, Viscosupplementation, Trigger Point, Hydrodissection, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

  • Spinal/body adjustments: Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Peripheral (Knees, Ankles)

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine: Herbs, Acupuncture, Cupping

  • Botanical medicine

  • Clinical Medicine: Diagnosis, Treatment, Pharmacotherapy, Health Education

What next?

If you are suffering with ailments, pain or injury that’s stopping you do the things you enjoy or need to do, if you have niggles that are annoying you, or if you have some specific sporting/fitness challenges you want to prepare for, then we can help.

If you would like to book an appointment click here, or would like further information, please contact us on (250) 381-2239 or email

Meet our Naturopathic Physicians