Personal Trainer & Movement Coaching.

At Agile we see rehabbing differently. It is a way to train for life and be the best version of yourself.

Seeing a personal trainer is not always about just building strength but building strong movement and other aspects of your life. These sessions are aimed to do a detailed assessment and really unpick your strengths, weakness and most importantly your goals so we can build a tailored strength and conditioning program best suited for you. Whether your goal is being able to do push ups, Olympic weightlifting, increase flexibility or moving faster and pain free we have you covered here at Agile.

Personal training

What can a personal trainer & movement coach help with?

  • Improving functional movement

  • Improving strength and muscle development

  • Improving flexibility and mobility

  • Decrease chronic pain

  • Improving posture

  • Improving lifestyle

What to expect?

On your first visit, you will discuss with your personal trainer your current level of activity as well as your short and long term fitness and health goals. Your personal trainer will also want to know about previous injuries, your general medical heath, and your physical goals. They will then perform a quick assessment to establish fitness levels, fluidity of movement, strength and flexibility. From here, your personal trainer will create a training plan to help you achieve your specific goals and begin teaching and training you towards these goals. The training plan is tailored to you so you can not only achieve your goals but also excited enough to want to complete your training plans. During training sessions you and your personal trainer will to push boundaries to get closer to your goals.

What forms of training can be offered?

  • Strength Training

  • Power and Agility Training

  • Functional movement Training

  • Bodyweight/Calisthenics/Animal Movement Training

  • Sport Specific Training

  • Training with specific equipment: kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, mace, resistance bands

Strength and conditioning

What next?

If you are looking to change your fitness and health routine, achieve fitness goals, move better and stronger then we can help.

If you would like to book a session click here, or would like further information, please contact us on (250) 381-2239 or email

Meet the Team